Wowzers the last couple day's have been a little hectic. We had a nice weekend visiting with friends here in Clatskanie, they invited us for dinner along with their mom and some other friends. We shared food, conversation and friendship which means the world to Josh and I. This is something you miss on the road. Yes, you meet a lot of new people and we are blessed with the new friendships made, but there nothing like meeting up with old friends and picking up where you left off 7 months ago.

Luckily our friend's mom doesn't live to far away from her daughter and son-in-law because on the way home she felt as something was going wrong with her car. She just made it into her driveway when the steering went out and the car died...(To be continued...Shortly...I will pick back up on this subject later in the post.)
Sunday, Josh helped our same friends do some work on the farm. For the last several years, Truett has wanted to install a robot lawn mower for a section of their land. Josh offered to help Truett bury the wire so the lawn mower knows where to go and not go. This meant they were on their hands and knees for hours. Needless to say, Josh was very sore after a long days work, but they got most of the project done and hopefully took a little stress off of Truett's shoulders. Below is a picture of what a robot lawn mower looks, like....pretty cool!

While Josh was working hard I was able to have lunch with one of my best friends. We went to lunch and did a lot of catching up. I am so thankful she drove the hour and half to come see me. "A Best Friend is Like a Four Leaf Clover, Hard to Find, Lucky to Have." I am thankful for all of my friends on a daily basis. Thank you all for being apart of our lives.

Now back to the car I said earlier in the post, when our friends mom was driving home she felt her car doing something funny, since Josh is pretty in tune with car issues he had a sneaking suspicion it might be her alternator, you might remember, our alternator story that took place Joshua Tree National Park in the middle of a windstorm. Since we have time on our hands we decided to tackle this problem for Mary & Truett as they are still installing the robot lawn mower and also leaving town on Friday for the next week for a work gig, needless to say they have a lot on their plate, so it felt good to help them and their mom.
Josh was correct, after some diagnostics it was her alternator, so that's what we did today, Josh fixed the alternator and got her car up and going again. Yay, Josh!!!!!
During this somewhat stressful time, I decided I would create a new gmail account for something new I'm thinking about trying, and well early in the morning and I guess half asleep I overwrote all of Josh's Google Accounts with a new email address entitled frugal rv girl. Needless to say I had a Oh Crap moment and thought I screwed up our YouTube Channel and his LinkedIn account, I don't think Josh wants to be known as frugal rv girl (lol). After countless hours on Google Help and Calling Google Josh was able to save the day and his accounts....Thank goodness, that was very stressful and I felt so bad because I was pretty sure I screwed up everything we/he created. I don't think I will be setting up and new Gmail addresses in the near future, I will just use one I already have!